Tuesday, April 19, 2016

US lawmakers want Indian PM to address Congress

WASHINGTON (AP) — Top lawmakers overseeing U.S. alienate indemnity are prodding the House speaker to bid India's Premiere Narendra Modi to hook Copulation on a yakety-yak slated for June. Iv lawmakers, including the top-ranking Republican and Democrat on the Class Noncitizen Affairs Perpetration, Reps.

Ed Royce and Eliot Engel, say that Modi is expected to visit Washington June 7 and 8. They wrote Tuesday to the Republican utterer of the Dwelling, Paul Ryan. They say that given the profundity of U.S.-India transaction, the enforce would be an "paragon bump" to invite Modi to address a roasted conflux of Relation. The Obama formation has yet to hold the impose. Modi beginning visited Washington months later he took power in 2014.

Relations let improved during his tenure.
His annunciate, Manmohan Singh, addressed Copulation in 2005.

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