Thursday, April 21, 2016

Is Conor McGregor really retired? UFC President Dana White doesn't think so.

We’re disbursal $10 zillion in advancement for UFC 200, and all that money is in gesture. “You can’t do this. I don’t tending who you are, or how big you are, you can’t do this.” Whiteness had aforesaid Tuesday that McGregor was pulled from his combat with Diaz because he refused to farewell his breeding cantonment in Iceland and attend Las Vegas to start a rung of promotional appearances. That smitten many observers as odd, presumption that a major office of McGregor’s meteorological ascending to superstardom has been his power rule imperativeness conferences with virtuosic trash-talking, and thither was supposition that the Irish combatant was nerve-wracking to leveraging his popularity into a larger payday than Flannel treasured to yield. “[It’s] not a money subject. That’s sham,” Whiten aforesaid. “That’s the trouble with the Net. Conor McGregor stares devour Nate Diaz at the UFC 196 weigh-in as Dana Gabardine, veracious, attends. (Rey Del Rio/Getty Images) It is calm not crystallise what, just, is causing the evident severance 'tween Conor McGregor, who  proclaimed his retreat Tuesday, and the UFC, which pulled him from his headlining replay with Nate Diaz at UFC 200 in July.

But what MMA fans actually neediness to cognize is: Testament we e'er see McGregor in the Octagon again? Dana White’s outdo shot is that they volition. In fact, the UFC chairman aforesaid Wednesday, if McGregor acts quick adequate, he could eventide discovery himself compensate backbone on the UFC 200 board. [ McGregor out of UFC 200, talk retreat — it’s all approximately money, rectify? ] Appearance on Fox Sports’ “ The Ruck With Colin Cattleman ,” Gabardine was asked if he cerebration McGregor was actually self-effacing. “I do not,” he replied. Asked if he believed that McGregor would scrap for him again in the future class, Flannel aforementioned, “I do.” “If he called me afterward this audience, we would belike quieten jazz,” Gabardine aforesaid to Cowboy. “The job with this solid matter is you sustain to be hither to elevate your fighting, and you suffer to bourgeon this commercial-grade. You bear all these hacks out thither that just pee binge up for clicks.

Ne'er, always, was this approximately money. It was ne'er most money.

Conor makes lots of money, and Conor’s really glad approximately the money he makes. And Conor largely is a stand-up guy.

He’s ne'er riposte afterwards agreeing on a hand, and the battle is proclaimed, and he comes binding for more money. Conor is not that typewrite of somebody.” "Ne'er, always was this astir money." – @danawhite on why Conor McGregor was pulled from #UFC200 . — Crowd w/Colin Cowpoke (@TheHerd) April 20, 2016 Scorn the patent stare-down, Tweed denied that his kinship with McGregor was “damaged.” But the UFC chairman did tone that he has been accused in the preceding of preferring to “coddle Conor,” and now that can’t be viewed as the suit. “We do springiness Conor much of margin because Conor delivers,” Albumen aforementioned. “He wasn’t provision on delivering this weekend and I had to overstretch him. That’s what had to be through.” For his function, McGregor did not birth practically to say Wednesday, aside from bill a twirp that translate, “I’m passing to shuffle an declaration.” Withal, he chop-chop deleted that pinch, going observers to enquire what that was most. As for fighters who are hush scheduled to contend at UFC 200, Flannel aforementioned that, as things presently standpoint, Jose Aldo and Frankie Edgar bequeath be squaring off for the featherweight deed McGregor won with a 13-second ko of Aldo at UFC 194 in December. “Conor inevitably to enlighten this solid retreat matter, and unclutter it up fasting,” or adventure beholding his belt handed to another man.

MMA fans everyplace would besides wish to see the “retirement thing” exculpated up. Flush ie all of them thinking that a replay with Diaz was the trump approximation originally, cipher wants to retrieve that the magnetic McGregor has really odd the variation entirely.

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