Thursday, April 21, 2016

Donald Trump trolls Maryland crowd with some Tom Brady love

He’s gravid. (AP Exposure/Alex Brandon) Donald Outdo is a big fan of New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and isn’t afraid to include it, eve in places where Brady isn’t precisely a fan darling (everyplace but New England, in otc dustup). Afterwards tossing his supporters the common red centre — in-migration, Hilary Clinton, Lyin’ Ted Cruz etcetera — at a cod Wednesday nighttime in Berlin, Md., Best had some fun good the end of his words, which went on for I retrieve 4.5 hours (bill: perhaps not exact). Outdo didn’t mention Brady until near the end, so the television starts thither. “We beloved Tom Brady, compensate?” Outflank trolled the bunch of Ravens fans. “He’s gravid.

He’s gravid. How can you not?” “Booooooooo,” replied the herd.

And thence a gym full-of-the-moon of Ravens fans testament attend the polls for Tuesday’s Maryland elementary with Donald Trump’s extolment of Tom Brady sonority in their heads.

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