Thursday, April 21, 2016

Hamas deploys forces on Egypt-Gaza border over IS concerns

GAZA Metropolis, Gaza Disrobe (AP) — Hamas has deployed forces on the Egyptian-Gaza delimitation to parry Cairo's concerns it is aiding militants from the Islamic Nation radical in Egypt's wide-open Sinai Peninsula. Egypt accuses Hamas, the Islamic warlike grouping that rules Gaza, of providing a rubber harbour for IS's Sinai consort done a net of smuggling tunnels. Hamas denies that. On Thursday, armed Hamas men took up positions on the 13 klick margin, with fighters in pick-up trucks patrolling dorsum and off. Hamas says the deployment is role of an accord reached with Egyptian officials close month.

Analysts distinguish it as a one-sided footstep by Hamas to post assurances to Cairo. Dealings 'tween Hamas and Egypt soured afterward the 2013 military ejector of Islamist Chairwoman Mohammed Morsi; Hamas and Morsi's Muslim Fraternity company were finis allies.

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