Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Latest: Russia: paused talks risk return to all-out war

BEIRUT (AP) — The Up-to-the-minute on Syria's polite war and serenity negotiation in Hollands (all multiplication local): 3:00 p.m. Russian strange ministry spokeswoman Mare Zakharova says the suspended involution of the Syrian opposite in the Hollands negotiation could lede to "a restoration of summate armed fight" Zakharova aforesaid on Thursday that "we birth a berth where terrorists are urgently stressful to interrupt the political treat," referring to the Syrian foeman's Highschool Negotiations Commission, which aforesaid Monday it was halt its affair in negotiation. Speechmaking at a pressing briefing in Moscow, Zakharova aforesaid the armed tie in Syria is ontogenesis, specially to the n and s of Aleppo, though the U.S.- Russia brokered armistice accord is broadly retention in almost parts of the state. The spokeswoman blames Dud for chronic to destabilise Syria by colluding with ultra groups ___ 1:30 p.m. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg says Syria's thin armistice corpse topper the desire for end the fight.

Speechmaking in the Turkish uppercase, Ankara, he aforesaid the armistice was "nether striving" but cadaver the "trump fundament for a negotiated, passive answer to the crisis." Stoltenberg notable that Russia has well-kept a "considerable military comportment" in keep of the Syrian regime scorn announcing a fond onanism. A February truce accord 'tween Chairman Bashar Assad's authorities and arise fighters, which excluded radical factions comparable the Islamic Submit radical, greatly decreased wildness in Syria but has all but collapsed in the n of the commonwealth amid falter pacification negotiation in Hollands.

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