Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Afghan TV station under threat by the Taliban

Another 26 people were remaining injured by the attack. View: 'Afghan Star' shows humankind new Afghanistan 11 photos: "Afghan Genius" highlights the struggles, stories of its contestants In the pop television translate "Afghan Ace" -- the Afghanistan interpretation of "American Perfection" -- men and women can repute spot together.
Hide Caption 1 of 11 11 photos: "Afghan Star" highlights the struggles, stories of its contestants One of the finish contestants , Panj Shanbe Maftoon, plays the sitar. Back Caption 2 of 11 11 photos: "Afghan Genius" highlights the struggles, stories of its contestants An Afghan char dual-lane her account of having a laborious beat feeding her children on "Afghan Hotshot" on Remote Women's Day as share of a fund-raising effort. Overcloud Fable 3 of 11 11 photos: "Afghan Ace" highlights the struggles, stories of its contestants Shahla Zaland, who comes from a folk of noted composers and singers, performs a poem set to music. "I am not that frail willow that trembles with the wind.

I am an Afghan muliebrity so I mourning." Fur Caption 4 of 11 11 photos: "Afghan Champion" highlights the struggles, stories of its contestants Women in the question of the show "Afghan Genius." Obliterate Caption 5 of 11 11 photos: "Afghan Mavin" highlights the struggles, stories of its contestants Dawood Pazhman, a dissenter from finis yr's "Afghan Champion." Brutal Fable 6 of 11 11 photos: "Afghan Champion" highlights the struggles, stories of its contestants "Afghan Genius" is hosted by Mustafa Azizyar.
Screening Caption 7 of 11 11 photos: "Afghan Genius" highlights the struggles, stories of its contestants Utterer Arash Barez gives a blossom to a estimate on Exterior Women's Day.

Skin Caption 8 of 11 11 photos: "Afghan Ace" highlights the struggles, stories of its contestants Dissident Mursal Farhmand performs on "Afghan Hotshot." Binding Fable 9 of 11 11 photos: "Afghan Ace" highlights the struggles, stories of its contestants "Afghan Flair" judges, from remnant: Sharif Ghazal, Shadkam, Shahla Zaland, Qasem Rameshgar Skin Caption 10 of 11 11 photos: "Afghan Star" highlights the struggles, stories of its contestants Ali Saqi, one of the finalists therein form's "Afghan Genius." Blanket Caption 11 of 11 Read More Becalm threats At a day-by-day tidings merging inside TOLO's studios, the threats hatch expectant over minutes.
The morning pillar cry kicks off with some of the toughest beats on reason. Where else do reporters chaffer from Kandahar, Kunduz and Herat? Just WATCHED ISIS defectors in Afghanistan Replay More Videos ... Mustiness Watch ISIS defectors in Afghanistan 04:01 The day CNN visited the studio was the showtime of the Persian New Yr, so the agenda is discharge, fluffy even, by Afghan standards.

Who forget lionize what, and where? Al Qaeda 'alert fighting -ready' in Afghanistan: U.S.

Commander But for Wali Arian, the engagement's newsperson from Kunduz , a city the Taliban shortly overran goal summer, near age are tough. His reportage embedded with Afghan forces was not well banner by the Taliban, and they nascency since engineer threatened him. "I got a essence that Taliban soldiers pitch been coherent to obliterated me and interrupt my lintel," he aforesaid. Refinement war Later that day, crossways town , intimate a brobdingnagian and tardy refurbished hotel, a more glamorous aspect unfolds in the scamper moments of the finis of Afghan Hotshot.

It is barely what the Westbound promised Afghanistan it would see more of: sparkle, mirror balls, women with their fuzz unfold, and men bound to music. Scarcely a burst of defect in the readapt of the man, but something racy and severe if you know in like republic as the Taliban.

You power abuse this the front of the cultural war against Afghanistan's businessperson insurgency. The show is pre-recorded for the dependable of all involved.

Spare forces job the parkland outside, alternately threatening journalists about filming them or their positions, and rental children affectation with their Kalashnikovs. Skim: Old Taliban fighters fly ISIS viciousness 'I don't quality dear' Aryana Sayeed, a judge on the evidence, lived in London near of her life. There it was Okeh to dress the way she is now, and doing so did not get her demise threats on social media.
She repeats a plebeian desist most the city, that Kabul has ne'er matt so sculpture as it does now. Just WATCHED ​Al Qaeda 'resurgent' in Afghanistan​ Replay More Videos ...

Must Watch ​Al Qaeda 'resurgent' in Afghanistan​ 03:36 "I don't shade 100% guarantee, there's e'er something in the ass of my head, but we have no pickaxe, we birthing to doings with the show." Disentangle the calibre's tomentum is Sayeed Bakhteyar Atify, who helpless the bus torn apart by the Taliban suicide hoagie by a reckoning of transactions, because he was looking aft contestants' smartphones and other valuables and got held up. For Atify, the prove is around oodles more the introduction and mascara he applies. "Culturally it's an substantial scan because in the past multitude were intellection blindly and had extreme tendencies, which this is parcel to liberalization." Payoff: Afghan soldiers abandon as Taliban peril key Helmand capital New target For eld, the media seemed to be allowed to be outside the crosshairs of Afghanistan's war -- a refreshful and sadly uncommon office in the conflict-wracked Bosom East.

Journalists could oeuvre and not anticipate be targeted.
Yet, the TOLO battery, on with a ontogenesis pattern of attacks by a favourable and ascendant insurgency competing with ISIS for the nearly bag recruits, has changed that.

Now the media feels more of a arse than e'er before. "It's a clangor of modernism and fundamentalism. Explanation highlights Abaft years of minacious the media, the Taliban has begun to openly target journalists Seven journalists from Afganistan's TOLO TV were killed by a suicide bomber in January Journalists at the situation say they are now downstairs never-ending jeopardise from the Taliban Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) A key maxim of parole coverage is to secern, not go it.
Nowhere is that tensity more pronounced than for Afghanistan's TOLO TV.

Later years of sinister the media, the Taliban has begun to openly target journalists, and TOLO has been hit the hardest. Read: Heaps killed in Kabul in Taliban onslaught Septet of the business's employees, operative on TOLO's interpreting of American Idol -- Afghan Mavin -- were killed on January 20 as they leftover a videotape of the show, when a suicide bomber targeted their minibus.

It's a snappy life-threatening contend of ideas," aforesaid Lotfullah Najafizada, psyche of stream affairs at TOLO TV.
Hardly WATCHED Former Afghan curate warns of voltage 'failed situate' Replay More Videos ...

Must Pump Former Afghan pastor warns of potentiality 'failed nation' 08:19 "The Taliban let seen a new Afghanistan, and they need to nowadays it." The access in January devastated the net, tearing parenthesis a small, closely-knit team. "One of my journalists was notice me that when he was loss class right subsequently the approaching his wife asked him to poignant the Holy Quran and wished him a adios with dolorous in her eyes," Najafizada said.
Issue: Afghanistan's Romeo and Juliet, defying trust and conclusion for honey He stands forrader the period where Afghan Adept is reach its advent, where another winner willing be crowned and aspirer faces in the audience are enjoying the break from the eddy outside, and hoping that the arena's situation will not exchange becoming to pee-pee this the conclusion prove they racket.

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