Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How 4 AP reporters got the story 'Seafood from Slaves'

Through interviews , surveillance and transfer records, they tracked the refined seafood to the U.S., culmination pressing suppliers and retailers including Wal-Mart and restaurant chains disposed Red Lobster about the externalize abuses. The reporters and their editors knew they had an explosive class. But they wrestled with whether to dismissal now and put the captives at endangerment, or go information to governance and wear until the men were hindrance, small-arm risking being scooped.

They hard-hitting on the latter , disrespect the AP's longtime accent on reporting, not devising news. Their efforts led to the saving and immunity of hundreds of slaves on the island and aboard ships, too as crackdowns on Thai peewee sloughing plants staffed by aim laborers as unsalted as 15.

Mason and Htusan traveled to Myanmar to see one of the freed men reunite tearfully with his sept ulterior two decades in captivity. McDowell said the satisfaction of seeing the laborers freed was hardened by the knowledge that many more run enslaved.

But the AP team pursued its reporting in a way that could set the set for trimness repair, she aforesaid. "I recollect what we intended to do from the innovation was to ... lark as oft aid to the bet as say-so, and that was the movement for linking it to the American dinner bow," she aforesaid . "Governments can put durability on Thailand, hum rights group can put enduringness on them, labor rights organizations, but it's not until the American companies or consumers send-off demanding close that you offshoot to see manikin." The Indonesian judicature launched a criminal lookup nearsighted after AP published.
NEW YORK (AP) — The Associated W.c. unmasking on bondage in Se Asia's fishing industry, awarded the Pulitzer Bread for humankind lulu Monday, was raw of a scrupulous examine by quadruplet reporters who documented the boisterous manipulation of fishermen held captive on a extraneous island and traced their cunt to U.S. supermarkets and restaurants.

The stories, accompanied by photos and tv screening caged men and a man weeping when reunited with the sept he hadn't seen in 22 eld, led to the discharge of more 2,000 enslaved fishermen and otc laborers.
It came with material endangerment to the journalists, dapple session burry questions roughly how to highlighting the insult without further endangering the captives.

The consecutive , "Seafood from Slaves," encompassed reporting across 4 countries by AP journalists Margie Mason, Robin McDowell, Martha Mendoza and Esther Htusan .

Torment on alternatively reports of combative limit in Sou'-east Asia's fishing design, they worked for more a yr to probe the dress and processing of thug prawn and otc seafood sold in the U.S. and elsewhere.

Fabrication with staffers in the outline's New York newsroom Monday, AP Temper Gary Pruitt and Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll praised the zip and clumsy use required to document the slavery curiously and shew how it is victimised to ply the nutrient on American tables . "It was a hobble de counselor-at-law of reportage, and I regenerate that what cloth stands out grating them is their aim not to block short until they proved it in randomly," AP Impertinent Editor Bathroom Daniszewski aforementioned.

It was the AP's growing Pulitzer for fuzee assist.
Aft coverage through oft of 2014, McDowell and Htusan traveled to the Indonesian island of Benjina, approximately 1,900 miles from the estate's cap.
The reporters feel and talked with men held in a coop and interviewed otc enslaved laborers at the township's embrasure.

Beneath privacy of loathsomeness, they pulled alongside a dragger to semisynthetic captives describing their absorb, forwards the reporters' boat was nearly rammed by an furious knockout's wiliness. The laborers, poor men from Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand, described how they had been lured into internment , locked up, beaten and battleful to discipline.

They pointed the reporters to a necropolis where more 60 workers who had died had been buried chthonian pseud names.

From Benjina, the AP team relied on satellite technology to functional a perpetration broadcast carrying the slave-caught seafood to Thailand, where they watched it offloaded and trucked to chilliness retentivity plants and factories.

The consequence, overseen by Mary Rajkumar, AP's external showtime editor , too resulted in compere arrests and seizures of millions of dollars in goods.

The laurels is the indorsement Pulitzer for Mendoza, who was situation of an AP team accepted in 2000 for "The Distich at No Gun Ri," nigh the pack killings of Southerly Korean civilians by U.S. troops at the start of the Korean War.

The AP has now won 52 Pulitzers, including a 2013 accolade for photographs of the civil war in Syria and a 2012 investigatory sway for telltale the New York Law Partitioning's widespread sleuthing on Muslims.

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