Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Endo What?: the film to make women with endometriosis say 'enough already' | Gabrielle Jackson

If there was e'er a disease in wish of a documentary to bedcover cognizance, endometriosis is it. Patients wish answers Endo What? , a feature-length documentary by Shannon Cohn, is not a flick the humankind will flock to see.
It won’t win awards or bit its stars into paparazzi fodder.

But it’s conveniently my pullulate of the yr because its verity notification is powerful and inspirational. It shouldn’t be “inspiring” to spotter a film that tells the facts around the disease you have, but if there was forever a disease in deprivation of a film to to bust myths and bedcover ken, endometriosis is it.

Surprisingly for a condition that affects one in 10 women of procreative age – 176 trillion women cosmopolitan – it is quieten shrouded in myth and misinterpretation, even among healthcare professionals. Keep adaptation ...

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