Friday, September 18, 2015

Putin and Berlusconi in Crimea wine row

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Mr Putin and Mr Berlusconi visited the Massandra winery death hebdomad

Ukrainian prosecutors say they are preparing charges against the drumhead of a Crimean winery for allegedly scuttle a 240-year-old bottleful for Vladimir Putin and Silvio Berlusconi.

The Russian chairman and other Italian prime fatigued death weekend in Crimea touring antediluvian ruins. Prosecutors say they drank at Crimea's famous Massandra winery. Massandra was Ukrainian regime holding ahead Russia's appropriation of Crimea in Border 2014. Any charges could not presently be chased in Crimea, where Russia has full-of-the-moon ascendancy.

Russian media cited by Tuner Unfreeze Europe reported that Berlusconi asked if he could try the vino during a turn of Massandra.

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Silvio Berlusconi and Vladimir Putin suffer been well-disposed for days

A attestant aforesaid Massandra's new pro-Russian conductor Yanina Pavlenko in reaction uncorked a cute bottleful of 1775 Jeres de la Frontera for her honored guests. Russian tv death hebdomad showed Mr Berlusconi cautiously surveying dusty bottles of wine-coloured spell the Russian leader listened to Ms Pavlenko as she gave them the spell. Late, the Italian billionaire is seen look a bottleful identified to be from the vintage of 1891, and asked in English: "Is it potential to drinking?" The manager replied: "Yes." It is ill-defined what happened thereto bottleful, but Ukrainian prosecutors say the bottleful they are concentrating on was deserving more $90,000 (ВЈ58,000). They say they are preparing peculation charges against Ms Pavlenko. "This is one of the fivesome bottles that found not solitary Massandra's or Crimea's inheritance, but the inheritance of all Ukrainian multitude,'' Nazar Kholodnytsky, commencement lieutenant prosecutor for Crimea told the Associated Crush newsworthiness delegacy in Kiev.

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The two men too visited an Italian war graveyard in Crimea during the line of the early Italian leader's impose

He aforementioned two bottles exchangeable to the one allegedly consumed were auctioned in London in 2001 and one fetched most $49,700 (£32,000; €44,000). "The finances went to the country coffers and supported the growth of Massandra and wine-making in Crimea," Mr Kholodnytsky aforementioned. Ms Pavlenko's forerunner as regulator, Nikolay Boyko, was pink-slipped in February afterward Russian prosecutors filed put-on charges against him.

The new regulator is herself precious in Ukraine for treachery later she voted in prefer of Russian appropriation in 2014. "Now she's added one more offense to treason," Mr Kholodnytsky aforementioned. Mr Putin and Berlusconi enjoyed commodity personal dealings when the Italian leader was in mightiness, which they bear retained since he unexpended berth in 2011.

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Vladimir Putin

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Missouri man freed after spending two decades in prison for marijuana charge

At the metre, the life-with-no-parole doom was allowed nether a Missouri law for recur dose offenders. Mizanskey already had two dose convictions – one for ownership and sale of marihuana in 1984 and another for willpower in 1991.
He was the lone Missouri inpatient portion such a conviction for a non-violent marijuana-related offence when the Popular regulator, Jay Nixon, agreed in May to transpose his doom. The commuting allowed Mizanskey to indicate for his exemption earlier a word table, which given his quest in Lordly.

The regulator cited Mizanskey’s unbloody disc, noting that none of his offenses tortuous merchandising drugs to children. A man sentenced to aliveness in prison without password on a marijuana-related bearing was freed on Tuesday from a Missouri prison aft beingness buns bars for two decades – a stop in which the nation’s attitudes toward pot bear steady dull.

Related: Ohio prepares to balloting on cannabis legalisation: which states bequeath be adjacent?

Class, friends, supporters and reporters flocked to fill Jeff Mizanskey as he stepped out of the Jefferson Metropolis correctional mall into a gay morn, erosion a new duet of whiten tennis place and a shirt that scan: “I’m Jeff & I’m free”.
“I dog-tired a 3rd of my animation in prison,” aforementioned Mizanskey, now 62, who was greeted by his baby great-granddaughter. “It’s a disgrace.”
Abaft a breakfast of steak and egg with kinfolk, Mizanskey aforesaid, he plotted to expend his post-prison sprightliness quest a job and advocating for the legalisation of ganja. He criticized sentencing for around drug-related crimes as unjust and described his meter butt bars as “hell”.

His dismissal followed days of lobbying by relatives, lawmakers and others who argued that the conviction was too besotted and that ganja should not be taboo.

— ABC 17 Word (@ABC17News)
September 1, 2015
Commencement picture of Jeff Mizanskey exiting prison first in more 21 eld. #abc17news - @SaraABC17

Mizanskey was sentenced in 1996 – the like class California became the outset province to legitimatise ganja for aesculapian purposes. Aesculapian marihuana is now effectual in 23 states, and unpaid marihuana has been legalized in Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington posit and Washington DC.
Constabulary aforesaid Mizanskey conspired to trade 6lb of cannabis to a monger machine-accessible with Mexican dose cartels.

The law nether which he was earlier sentenced has since been changed.
Otc states are re-evaluating punishments for drug-possession crimes, motivated in prominent role by the mellow be of imprisoning subordinate, unbloody offenders.
In Connecticut, a new law testament piddle willpower of diminished amounts of heavy drugs, including diacetylmorphine, cocain and tornado, a misdemeanour for a first-time offence, instead than allowing for the stream utmost seven-year prison condemn. Nebraska and Alabama await to write hundreds of millions of dollars by victimisation new laws to reduce on the numeral of offenders locked up for possessing minor amounts of drugs.

In Missouri, backers of two balloting initiatives to decriminalise pot suffer permit from the secretaire of nation to get assembling signatures to put the matter earlier voters in 2016. Another postulation proposes reduction sentences for unbloody dose offenders who are service meter without chance for password.

Mizanskey aforesaid he bequeath not fastball cannabis now that he is disengage; he is on watchword, subsequently all.
But if it e'er becomes effectual at the nation and federal levels, Mizanskey aforesaid, “definitely”.