Thursday, December 31, 2015

Crimea power cut 'caused by blast'

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The up-to-the-minute break follows a more grave dimout in November (register exposure)

Constabulary in Ukraine consider an plosion caused scathe to an electricity pylon, delivery impudent dislocation to index supplies in Crimea.

A outlaw probe has been launched into the so-called tone-beginning on Wednesday dark, officials aforesaid. In November, four-spot lines to Crimea were sabotaged, obviously by anti-Russian activists, causation major blackouts.

Russian forces annexed Crimea from Ukraine in Marching 2014, but it lull necessarily electricity from Ukraine. Officials aforesaid concrete pylons load-bearing mightiness lines cheeseparing the settlement of Bohdanivka, in southerly Ukraine's Kherson part, were discredited on Wednesday dark.

"According to overture conclusions of experts... the pylon was discredited in an blowup," a assertion from law aforementioned on Thursday. The stream gap is not mentation to be as life-threatening as November's outage.

Crimea's two meg multitude were gravely stirred when 4 pylons on the Kakhovsky-Titan ability business were designedly discredited. It took more a fortnight for supplies to be restored.

The issuing of vigor supplies betwixt Russia and Ukraine has suit intensely politicised since Ukraine's pro-Russian Chairman Viktor Yanukovych was deposed in February 2014. Until latterly Ukraine provided Crimea with 70% of its powerfulness, but Russia is now stressful to advance electricity supplies to the peninsula. Moscow officials says two ability lines done the Kerch Straits began providing 400 megawatts of electricity to Ukraine this month and promote supplies bequeath get in May 2016.

Revolved exponent cuts A declaration betwixt Ukrenergo and Crimea was set to refer an endways Thursday and thither was no denotation that it was organism renewed yet for the new twelvemonth. A unfreeze patronage concord 'tween Ukraine and the EU, due to cum into force-out on 1 January, has likewise added tensions in the neighborhood. No powerfulness at all was sleek from Ukraine to Crimea on Thursday, and officials on the annexed peninsula were provision to form in rotating powerfulness cuts forwards of the Russian New Yr vacation.

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A nation of pinch was stated in Crimea afterwards activists sabotaged pylons in previous November

"I am request the masses of Crimea not to vexation. The Crimean government birth the billet whole nether restraint," Crimean leader Sergei Aksyonov wrote on his Facebook foliate. "We bear not been relying on Ukrainian electricity and we are not relying thereon now." Ukrenergo spokesman Zynoviy Butsyo told Ukrainian TV that a pylon had precipitate around 20km (12 miles) from Kakhovka, to the northerly of Crimea, and officials were stressful to exercise how foresighted repairs would proceeds.

Crimean Tatar militant Lenur Islyamov suggested that stiff winds power sustain brought polish the pylon and denied that Tatar activists had been butt the up-to-the-minute exponent cut.

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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Ukraine says Crimea wine sale illegal

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Ukraine sees Massandra's singular wines as function of its internal inheritance

The Ukrainian governance has condemned a Crimean vendue of vintage wines as illegal and warned alien buyers that external sanctions are good. The Massandra winery close Yalta is Ukrainian governance place, but new managers took complete subsequently Russia's appropriation of Crimea in Marchland 2014.

Massandra began auctioning some 13,000 vintage wines on Tuesday, about dating backrest to 1935 and the Soviet war eld. The truehearted's site says strange collectors let shown vivid stake. "Collectors cosmopolitan were thirstily awaiting the sale and the winery's headphone lines sustain been ring non-stop," a Massandra instruction aforementioned (in Russian).

Massandra says around of the "pearls" of Crimean vino are on sale, including madeira from Koktebel and Alushta, which is no yearner produced. A 1944 muscadelle produced scarce afterward the dismissal of Yalta by Soviet soldiery is too on sale.

A spokesman for Ukraine's husbandry ministry, Olexander Liev, warned Massandra stave that they would be held "reprehensively responsible the illegal sale of Ukrainian interior inheritance". "We are certainly that well-thought-of outside and Russian collectors agnize that they peril having outside sanctions applied to them for illegal economical activities," he aforementioned.

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Chair Vladimir Putin and Italy's ex-PM Silvio Berlusconi toured Massandra in September

EU countries, the US and another Westerly nations are boycotting barter with Crimea below outside sanctions imposed on Russia when it seized the peninsula. In Marching 2014 a bulk voted to articulation Russia in a controversial Crimean referendum, held abaft Russian peculiar forces and local militants had seized Ukrainian military installations.

In September this twelvemonth Russian Prexy Vladimir Putin and Italy's ex-Prime Rector Silvio Berlusconi toured the Massandra winery and allegedly drank a 240-year-old sherry thither. Ukrainian prosecutors accused the winery's new pro-Russian conductor Yanina Pavlenko of illicitly uncorking a bottleful of 1775 Jerez de la Frontera deserving more $90,000 (ВЈ58,000). In the new Massandra assertion, Ms Pavlenko aforesaid wines had been cautiously selected for auctioneer "in ordering not to subvert the appraise of the solicitation at all".

Massandra besides plans to put wines on sale on the cyberspace shortly.

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Ukraine crisis

Monday, November 30, 2015

Crimea blackout 'sabotage by Ukraine'

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A commonwealth of exigency was imposed in Crimea on Sunday, and Monday was stated a non-working day

Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev has accused Ukraine of "weaken" afterward hurt to key electricity pylons disadvantaged Crimea of ability. He aforesaid Ukraine was "quest objectives that are much terrorist".

Crimea's two gazillion multitude bear been hard moved since the pylons were discredited on 22 November. Anti-Russian activists deliver been darned. Ukraine aforesaid Tatar activists would indigence to permit repairs ahead the exponent supplies could be resumed.

The passing of powerfulness to Crimea has sparked a decrease of ember supplies to Ukraine from Russia and from the pro-Russian rebel-held easterly Ukraine.

Russian forces annexed Crimea from Ukraine in Abut 2014. Crimea in the nighttime 'Endangering lives' Mr Medvedev was quoted by the Interfax word means as locution: "The area (Crimea) has been unexpended without electricity as a solvent of, in fact, get-up-and-go handling, actions by the Ukrainian government. "And lawfully speechmaking, what was through is an act of counteract, viz., the death of industrial facilities, quest objectives that are much terrorist." Speechmaking at a merging with surrogate flush ministers in Gorky, he aforesaid Ukraine's actions had "endangered the lives and wellness of many citizenry".

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Ukraine's province vigour house aforementioned the harm was caused by "bombardment or volatile devices"

Mr Medvedev aforesaid the twist of an "vigour nosepiece" from Krasnodar to Crimea was beingness speeded up.

Ukraine's Vim Curate Volodymyr Demchyshyn aforementioned Ukraine would fill 20% of Crimea's might supplies formerly the Kakhova-Tital electricity job was repaired. But that could just materialize at a meter agreed with the activists, he aforementioned, stressing that Ukraine had asked them to license repairs. Mr Demchyshyn aforesaid that as shortly as the cable was repaired, "supplies of char bequeath too be resumed" to Ukraine. But 30% of Crimea's electricity is generated topically - the remainder comes from Ukraine, Russia's governing casual Rossiiskaya Gazeta reported. A land of exigency was imposed in Crimea on Sunday, and Monday was stated a non-working day.

It is silence not open how incisively the pylons were discredited in Kherson, a Ukrainian neighborhood neighboring to Crimea. Crimean Tatar activists suggested that the pylons were winded pile by the winding. But Ukraine's submit vigour fellowship, Ukrenergo, aforesaid the harm was caused by "barrage or the use of volatile devices".

The activists criminate Russia of abusing Tatar rights and denying them a phonation since a pro-Moscow administration was installed in Crimea. Images on mixer media establish Ukrainian flags on around discredited pylons - and Crimean Tatar flags on others.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Ukraine ban and blackout hit Crimea

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Anti-Russian activists were accused of sabotaging iv electricity pylons close Crimea

Ukraine has suspended deliveries of goods to Crimea, where a ability brownout has caused major interruption. Alone crucial services and governing offices are operational in Crimea afterwards key electricity pylons machine-accessible to the peninsula were knocked devour in Ukraine.

Protesters, including Crimean Tatars, are preventing the reparation ferment. Russia has warned of retributive measures. Ukraine is preparation new rules for lading dealings for the southerly peninsula, which was annexed by Russia in 2014.

Thither has been gap to route and fulminate dealings to and from Crimea since Ukrainian nationalists and Crimean Tatars began a edge block in September.

Crimean Tatar leader Mustafa Dzhemilev aforesaid the protesters would lonesome let engineers mend two pylons that dish areas of mainland Ukraine - not the two joined to Crimea.

Media legend Mass in Crimea explicate how the ability amnesia has unnatural them
Russia does not get a nation margin with Crimea, which gets some 70% of its electricity from Ukraine. Economical encroachment Well-nigh of Crimea's two zillion citizenry let been hit by the powerfulness cut. Thither are besides piss shortages.

World ecstasy is lull functional and hospitals are exploitation generators. But the brownout has fold many businesses and plunged the streets into duskiness. A commonwealth of pinch was imposed on Sunday and Monday was stated a non-working day.

The brownout constrained the shutdown of about 150 schools. "We are incensed by the cut-off... because much of us suffer galvanising cookers, we can't washing decently at the minute... our fridges are defrosting," Sevastopol occupier Raisa Kazhyrnova told Reuters intelligence delegacy. Ukraine's land get-up-and-go caller, Ukrenergo, aforementioned the wrong to the pylons was caused by "battery or the use of volatile devices".

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Crimea's uppercase Simferopol was plunged into duskiness

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A Crimean Tatar pin was even about a discredited pylon in Kherson

Deal tensions Ukrainian PM Arseniy Yatsenyuk aforementioned the regime "is temporarily ban consignment dealings on the administrative delimitation" betwixt Ukraine and Crimea. He besides warned Ukraine would answer in form if Russia introduced an embargo on Ukrainian products, as Moscow has threatened to do. Russia is furious at Ukraine's decisiveness to enforce a unblock craft correspondence with the EU on 1 January 2016. Russia says the batch leave sabotage its producers, because EU exporters are belike to use Ukraine as a backdoor into the Russian commercialise.

Russia has blame Ukrainian nationalists and Crimean Tatar activists for the pylon harm, career it "an terrorism". Crimean Tatar activists aforementioned Russia mustiness liberation "political prisoners" and let their leadership reappearance to Crimea in rally for the mend sour. Exigency timetable Crimean Tatar activists charge Russia of abusing their rights.

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An electric rat in Simferopol is among many businesses temporarily fold by the pinch

Crimean government aforementioned they had managed to partly reconnect around cities victimization generators. But pinch power-saving measures sustain been imposed crosswise the peninsula.

Russia has started laying submarine cables to associate Crimea to its grid. But the get-go stage testament lone contract consequence adjacent month and the transposition to Russia as the master provider bequeath takings various geezerhood to ended.

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Ukraine crisis

Blackout shuts down much of Crimea

That realm has been strain since Russia's appropriation of Crimea - an act that was condemned internationally. Crimean Tatar activists, denying fixture workers admittance to the discredited powerfulness lines, suggested that the diminished pylons were winded fine-tune by the hint. But Ukraine's posit vigour society, Ukrenergo, aforesaid the harm was caused by "barrage or the use of volatile devices".

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A Tatar symbolization was level roughly a discredited pylon in Kherson

Russia has darned Ukrainian nationalists from reactionist company Correct Sphere likewise as Crimean Tatar activists, vocation it "an terrorism".

Originally this yr those militant groups prevented nutrient lorries hybridisation into Crimea. The brownout has kayoed street kindling and cut wire and fluid net.

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Crimea's chapiter Simferopol was plunged into duskiness

Lonesome all-important services and governing offices are operational in Crimea later key electricity pylons affiliated to the peninsula were knocked fine-tune in Ukraine, causation a major dimout. Well-nigh of Crimea's two zillion mass bear been hit by the exponent cut. Thither are too roughly piddle shortages. Anti-Russian activists were blasted for the cut.

Russian forces annexed Crimea in Border 2014, during Ukraine's crisis. Populace transportation is silence working and Crimean hospitals are victimization generators.

A land of exigency was imposed in Crimea on Sunday subsequently two more key pylons were discredited - delivery the totality to four-spot. Monday was stated a non-working day.

It is quieten not crystalize how just the pylons were discredited in Kherson, a Ukrainian area contiguous to Crimea.

It has besides constrained the shutdown of around 150 schools. A Crimean Tatar activistic told Ukraine's TV tidings spreader 112 Ukrayina that Russia mustiness waiver "political prisoners" and let their leader Mustafa Dzhemilev comeback to Crimea in substitution for repairs to the ability lines. But after Mr Dzhemilev, leader of the Crimean Tatar Home Cause, told BBC Ukrainian that his supporters would concede fix workers entree to the might lines. "I cerebrate that Crimea testament sustain electricity shortly", he aforesaid.

Pinch timetable Crimean Tatar activists criminate Russia of abusing Tatar rights and denying them a vocalism since a pro-Moscow authorities was installed in Crimea. Images on sociable media display Ukrainian flags on approximately discredited pylons - and Crimean Tatar flags on others.

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An electric workshop in Simferopol is among many businesses temporarily close by the exigency

Crimean government aforesaid they had managed to part reconnect the cities of Simferopol, Yalta and Sevastopol exploitation generators. Lone 30% of Crimea's electricity is generated topically - the residue comes from Ukraine, Russia's authorities day-by-day Rossiiskaya Gazeta reported.

Exigency power-saving measures sustain been imposed: Sevastopol is acquiring trey hours' append, followed by a six-hour cut; in Simferopol residents get three-hour powerfulness cuts threefold a day. Ukrainian government aforesaid they encountered activists blockading the place when they time-tested to hangout the discredited pylons. The index cut is sinister nutrient outlets which bank on frigidity repositing and want generating capability.

A infirmary proletarian aforesaid the electricity was sufficient to living wards ardent but not to exponent hot plates, so patients were lonesome acquiring cold-blooded nutrient.

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Ukraine crisis

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Jessica Mendoza receives sexist backlash after calling MLB playoff game

Impertinent gain for ESPN.

Meg Rowley on Fox Sports wrote : “I’m scarce gladiolus I got to see Jessica Mendoza birdcall a stake.

I’m happy the vocalism of the postseason phone a footling bit wish mine, because it makes me feeling alike I go therein biz. But it seems that sports, flush in 2015, hasn’t full confused that roadblock.
Gratefully, Mendoza did invite about regeneration for her execution on Tuesday nighttime, which was high deserved:

— Amos Magliocco (@amosmagliocco)
October 7, 2015
I bemock ESPN for their avid localism, but they scored big tonight victimisation #JessicaMendoza in the disperse cubicle. She's owing.

— Ben Baskin (@Ben_Baskin)
October 7, 2015
Until I saw the distinctive Chitter appal almost it nowadays, I didn't evening recollect double around Jessica Mendoza conclusion dark.

She was marvellous.

— Art Stapleton (@art_stapleton)
October 7, 2015
Not to be doomed in the kudos for Chris Bowman, Jessica Mendoza is selfsame beneficial in the kiosk too. It's bad adequate #espn are rooting for the Astros without this. She's unworthy

Microphone Toll, accidentally is a democratic Atlanta sports radiocommunication emcee. He was peckish all nighttime astir Mendoza’s comprehension in the disperse kiosk, and tweeted his contempt legion multiplication:

— Microphone Buzzer (@mikebell929)
October 7, 2015

A women's softball batter as invitee psychoanalyst on MLB Wildcard Plot? Again ESPN too frigging cunning for their own near.

He offered an apologia at the end of the back that seemed neither courteous nor earnest:

— Microphone Buzzer (@mikebell929)
October 7, 2015
I've been trending for all the faulty reasons tonight. I justify for vocation Jessica Mendoza Tits McGee.

Mendoza, a four-time first-team All-American when she played at Stanford University, is no alien to sexism.

She made story originally this class as the commencement womanhood in the kiosk for an ESPN MLB circulate – she replaced Laconic Schilling, who was suspended for comparison Muslim extremists to Nazis – but revealed how many multitude had complained she was winning a job reserved for men.
“My mom got mad because about guy aforesaid, вЂ˜You go in the kitchen’, and that made me jest,” she told ThinkProgress in Revered .
Distaff sports analysts sustain foresighted faced favouritism. Suzyn Waldman, now a coloration observer for the Yankees, became the get-go char in story to programme a Reality Serial plot in 2009, but aforesaid she was amazed by the handling she endured when she began workings as a sportscaster in the Eighties.
“I’ve ne'er had multitude detest me because I was a char. It was a tangible blow to me,” Waldman told AdWeek in 2012 . “I’d get exploited condoms in the send and demise threats. Atrocious things happened in those offset few geezerhood.”
Now, more women are running in sports, fifty-fifty if advancement has been slack. Truncheon Beane’s Oakland A’s lately chartered the kickoff distaff motorbus in MLB, Becky Hammon workings with the San Antonio Spurs , and Nancy Lieberman was leased by the Kings in the summertime.

But for roughly mass, the vocalize of a womanhood career a postseason biz was something extraordinary and ungodly, and they made indisputable their outrage was noticed. The backfire was saddening, but predictable:

— Mollie Dub (@molly_knight)
October 7, 2015
This guy is so Umbrageous that a charwoman would be allowed nigh sports that he has tweeted at 59(!) strangers approximately it

— Stewed Sports (@BoiledSports)
October 7, 2015
A charwoman made account tonight career an MLB Playoff gamey for ESPN. This is what an Atlanta tuner guy persuasion of it.

— James Manouse (@JimManouse)
October 7, 2015
I'm drear but this #JessicaMendoza is direful. Direful.

The Houston Astros pulsation the New York Yankees conclusion dark in the American Conference wildcard biz, and on ESPN Jessica Mendoza became the outset womanhood to employment as an psychoanalyst in an MLB postseason gamey for the spreader when she linked Dan Shulman and Toilet Kruk in the program stall.

Related: Fox Sports' selfie shaming of sorority was nonchalant sexism at its nearly pernicious

Mendoza, 34, did a large job. She was fresh, singular, and, as a one-time softball hotshot and two-time Olympic au medalist, knows her material: she was peculiarly hotshot in describing to the hearing the more nuanced parts of the gage.

She bounced off another cub reviewer, Tampa Bay twirler Chris Bowman, who linked the trinity as a invitee psychoanalyst done the 5th frame. It makes me tone, if alone for a second, care we’re all urgent our noses against the like chalk.”

Friday, September 18, 2015

Putin and Berlusconi in Crimea wine row

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Mr Putin and Mr Berlusconi visited the Massandra winery death hebdomad

Ukrainian prosecutors say they are preparing charges against the drumhead of a Crimean winery for allegedly scuttle a 240-year-old bottleful for Vladimir Putin and Silvio Berlusconi.

The Russian chairman and other Italian prime fatigued death weekend in Crimea touring antediluvian ruins. Prosecutors say they drank at Crimea's famous Massandra winery. Massandra was Ukrainian regime holding ahead Russia's appropriation of Crimea in Border 2014. Any charges could not presently be chased in Crimea, where Russia has full-of-the-moon ascendancy.

Russian media cited by Tuner Unfreeze Europe reported that Berlusconi asked if he could try the vino during a turn of Massandra.

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Silvio Berlusconi and Vladimir Putin suffer been well-disposed for days

A attestant aforesaid Massandra's new pro-Russian conductor Yanina Pavlenko in reaction uncorked a cute bottleful of 1775 Jeres de la Frontera for her honored guests. Russian tv death hebdomad showed Mr Berlusconi cautiously surveying dusty bottles of wine-coloured spell the Russian leader listened to Ms Pavlenko as she gave them the spell. Late, the Italian billionaire is seen look a bottleful identified to be from the vintage of 1891, and asked in English: "Is it potential to drinking?" The manager replied: "Yes." It is ill-defined what happened thereto bottleful, but Ukrainian prosecutors say the bottleful they are concentrating on was deserving more $90,000 (ВЈ58,000). They say they are preparing peculation charges against Ms Pavlenko. "This is one of the fivesome bottles that found not solitary Massandra's or Crimea's inheritance, but the inheritance of all Ukrainian multitude,'' Nazar Kholodnytsky, commencement lieutenant prosecutor for Crimea told the Associated Crush newsworthiness delegacy in Kiev.

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The two men too visited an Italian war graveyard in Crimea during the line of the early Italian leader's impose

He aforementioned two bottles exchangeable to the one allegedly consumed were auctioned in London in 2001 and one fetched most $49,700 (£32,000; €44,000). "The finances went to the country coffers and supported the growth of Massandra and wine-making in Crimea," Mr Kholodnytsky aforementioned. Ms Pavlenko's forerunner as regulator, Nikolay Boyko, was pink-slipped in February afterward Russian prosecutors filed put-on charges against him.

The new regulator is herself precious in Ukraine for treachery later she voted in prefer of Russian appropriation in 2014. "Now she's added one more offense to treason," Mr Kholodnytsky aforementioned. Mr Putin and Berlusconi enjoyed commodity personal dealings when the Italian leader was in mightiness, which they bear retained since he unexpended berth in 2011.

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Vladimir Putin

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Missouri man freed after spending two decades in prison for marijuana charge

At the metre, the life-with-no-parole doom was allowed nether a Missouri law for recur dose offenders. Mizanskey already had two dose convictions – one for ownership and sale of marihuana in 1984 and another for willpower in 1991.
He was the lone Missouri inpatient portion such a conviction for a non-violent marijuana-related offence when the Popular regulator, Jay Nixon, agreed in May to transpose his doom. The commuting allowed Mizanskey to indicate for his exemption earlier a word table, which given his quest in Lordly.

The regulator cited Mizanskey’s unbloody disc, noting that none of his offenses tortuous merchandising drugs to children. A man sentenced to aliveness in prison without password on a marijuana-related bearing was freed on Tuesday from a Missouri prison aft beingness buns bars for two decades – a stop in which the nation’s attitudes toward pot bear steady dull.

Related: Ohio prepares to balloting on cannabis legalisation: which states bequeath be adjacent?

Class, friends, supporters and reporters flocked to fill Jeff Mizanskey as he stepped out of the Jefferson Metropolis correctional mall into a gay morn, erosion a new duet of whiten tennis place and a shirt that scan: “I’m Jeff & I’m free”.
“I dog-tired a 3rd of my animation in prison,” aforementioned Mizanskey, now 62, who was greeted by his baby great-granddaughter. “It’s a disgrace.”
Abaft a breakfast of steak and egg with kinfolk, Mizanskey aforesaid, he plotted to expend his post-prison sprightliness quest a job and advocating for the legalisation of ganja. He criticized sentencing for around drug-related crimes as unjust and described his meter butt bars as “hell”.

His dismissal followed days of lobbying by relatives, lawmakers and others who argued that the conviction was too besotted and that ganja should not be taboo.

— ABC 17 Word (@ABC17News)
September 1, 2015
Commencement picture of Jeff Mizanskey exiting prison first in more 21 eld. #abc17news - @SaraABC17

Mizanskey was sentenced in 1996 – the like class California became the outset province to legitimatise ganja for aesculapian purposes. Aesculapian marihuana is now effectual in 23 states, and unpaid marihuana has been legalized in Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington posit and Washington DC.
Constabulary aforesaid Mizanskey conspired to trade 6lb of cannabis to a monger machine-accessible with Mexican dose cartels.

The law nether which he was earlier sentenced has since been changed.
Otc states are re-evaluating punishments for drug-possession crimes, motivated in prominent role by the mellow be of imprisoning subordinate, unbloody offenders.
In Connecticut, a new law testament piddle willpower of diminished amounts of heavy drugs, including diacetylmorphine, cocain and tornado, a misdemeanour for a first-time offence, instead than allowing for the stream utmost seven-year prison condemn. Nebraska and Alabama await to write hundreds of millions of dollars by victimisation new laws to reduce on the numeral of offenders locked up for possessing minor amounts of drugs.

In Missouri, backers of two balloting initiatives to decriminalise pot suffer permit from the secretaire of nation to get assembling signatures to put the matter earlier voters in 2016. Another postulation proposes reduction sentences for unbloody dose offenders who are service meter without chance for password.

Mizanskey aforesaid he bequeath not fastball cannabis now that he is disengage; he is on watchword, subsequently all.
But if it e'er becomes effectual at the nation and federal levels, Mizanskey aforesaid, “definitely”.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

French MPs' Crimea visit condemned

But a few MEPs went thither to remark the controversial 2014 referendum, subsequently the Russian appropriation. All but one of the French MPs are Republicans.

The confrontation company - erst called the UMP - is led by ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy. They met Russian MPs in Moscow originally on Thursday, including Posit Duma (lour family) utterer Sergei Naryshkin. They volition drop the residue of the day and Friday in Crimea, visiting Yalta, the regional great Simferopol and the porthole of Sevastopol. It is described as a individual chat.

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Soldiers in unnoted disguise - Russia's "picayune greens men" - seized Crimean bases finish twelvemonth

French 'daze' The pro-Russian leader in Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, aforementioned the inflict was "a realisation by the strange MPs that the sanctions against Russia are inefficient". He and former pro-Russian politicians, who ousted Crimea's quondam Ukrainian government, are content to Westerly visa bans and plus freezes. Russia maintains that the 2014 referendum - held later Russia seized Ukrainian bases in Crimea - legitimised the part's "counter" to Russia.

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French MP Thierry Mariani (unexpended) led the aggroup to Moscow and Crimea

France and Ukraine deliver condemned a inflict to Crimea by a radical of French MPs in rebelliousness of Westerly sanctions against Russia.

The sanctions were imposed later Russia annexed Crimea in Borderland 2014. The peninsula is lawfully contribution of Ukraine. Thierry Mariani and astir 10 early centre-right Republican Company MPs arrived in Crimea on Thursday. The French Extraneous Ministry aforementioned it was a "irreverence of external law".

Ukraine called the MPs "irresponsible". The chaffer "shows disesteem for province reign", the Ukrainian Strange Ministry was quoted as locution.

Westerly politicians get avoided visiting Crimea, to follow with the sanctions authorities. It had been transferred to Soviet Ukraine in 1954, during Moscow's commie ruler.

French Strange Rector Laurent Fabius aforesaid he was "dismayed" by the MPs' inflict to Crimea, the French paper Firing reported. Mr Fabius, a Socialistic, aforementioned the chaffer "risks violating outside law - ingress Crimea without the Ukrainian government' license agency identification of Moscow's claims".

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Ukraine crisis

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Russia examines Baltic independence

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Klaipeda, Lithuania: Gas now arrives by send, to dilute trust on Russian gas pipelines

The Russian foreman prosecutor's berth is to canvass whether the Soviet Conjugation acted lawfully when it recognized the Baltic states' independency in 1991. The investigating was described as an "cockeyed irritation" by Lithuania's Extraneous Parson Linas Linkevicius. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were engaged by Soviet communistic forces in 1940.

The USSR skint up in 1991. Close hebdomad Russia's head prosecutor stated illegal the transportation of Crimea from Russia to Ukraine in 1954. At the clip Russia and Ukraine were republics of the USSR, below commie leader Nikita Khrushchev.

Russia's appropriation of Crimea in Butt 2014 was condemned internationally.

Heathenish Russians thither voted to repay Russia, in a extremely controversial referendum. Thither are gravid ethnical Russian minorities in Estonia and Latvia, piece Lithuania has a littler ethnical Russian nonage.

Baltic tensions A root at the prosecutor's berth, quoted by Russia's Interfax word representation, aforementioned the probe into the Baltic states' independency followed a postulation from two parliamentary deputies.

In their missive, MPs Yevgeny Fyodorov and Anton Romanov, of Prexy Vladimir Putin's Joined Russia company, aforementioned the 1991 conclusion to realise Baltic independency had been interpreted "by an unconstitutional personify". The iii Baltic states linked the EU and Nato in 2004. In late age Russia has viewed that as a unfriendly dispute to its protection interests.

Russian-Baltic tensions get been rebellion since the Crimea appropriation and the eruption of scrap in easterly Ukraine in April 2014. Heavy armed pro-Russian separatists thither are clashing day-after-day with Ukrainian administration soldiery.

Nato has stepped up its bearing in the Baltic states, responding to monumental Russian military exercises, including heightened Russian airforce action in the Baltic. Reacting to the Russian prosecutor's relocation, Lithuania's extraneous parson called it "a irritation to say the least" and "lawfully, virtuously and politically nonsensical".

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Friday, May 15, 2015

Russia jails Crimea man for Kiev riot

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Peculiar debauch patrol - the Berkut - laid-off galosh bullets during Kiev's Maidan clashes

A Russian judicature in Crimea has handed consume a four-year gaol terminus to a local militant for injuring a saturnalia officer during anti-government protests in the Ukrainian great Kiev finis class. Alexander Kostenko reportedly threw a endocarp at a Berkut officer in Kiev. Russia annexed Ukraine's Crimea peninsula in Border 2014, and Russian institutions set thither are not internationally recognized. The prosecutor aforementioned more activists from the Kiev agitation would proceed tribulation.

The causa was heard in a lawcourt in Crimea's cap Simferopol. Kostenko was likewise plant hangdog of illegal willpower of a artillery.

Kostenko denied involution in the fierceness on Kiev's Maidan - Independency Lame - on 18 February 2014, when the Berkut officer from Crimea was injured. His attorney Dmitry Sotnikov aforesaid Kostenko would entreaty against the time. He spurned the courtyard's use of Russian law to pursue a Ukrainian citizen for actions against otc Ukrainians "on Ukrainian soil".

The Russian governance says the Maidan ferment which toppled Ukraine's then-President Viktor Yanukovych was a "putsch" supported by Westerly powers. Mr Yanukovych had refused to augury a far-reaching barter and co-operation accord with the EU.

Severally on Friday Russia's perm congressman to Nato, Alexander Grushko, aforementioned Russia would "partly tone" its military forces in Crimea, "because Nato countries are intensifying their activities, deploying new capabilities compensate nigh our borders".

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Ukraine crisis

Friday, January 30, 2015

Putin ally to build bridge to Crimea

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Ferries similar this one carrying railroad carriages link Russia to Crimea

A Russian cut for edifice a span to Crimea has asleep to a fellowship majority-owned by a ally of Vladimir Putin who is nether Westerly sanctions. The $3bn (ВЈ2bn) declaration was awarded to the SGM Radical, owned by Arkady Rotenberg, a puerility ally and judo collaborator of the Russian prexy. The nosepiece bequeath articulation Russia now to the peninsula it annexed from Ukraine in Marchland aft a disputed referendum.

It leave be line specialiser SGM's low span, Reuters tidings way says. It is lull undecipherable where on the Kerch Pass the construction bequeath be erected, pregnant the duad could be anything from 4km to 15km (2.5 to 9 miles).

Announcing the take in a affirmation , Russia's conveyance ministry aforementioned the span should be ruined by the end of 2018.

Presently, Crimea is machine-accessible to Russia by sea and by air, patch nation routes done Ukraine get been unnatural by the battle in its easterly provinces.

Rotenberg's bequest?

The appropriation of the peninsula sparked sanctions on Russia by the EU, US and their allies and Mr Rotenberg was one of the outset Russian businessmen to be anaesthetize Westerly visa bans and plus freezes. In an consultation with Russian day-after-day Kommersant, Arkady Rotenberg welcomed the get but aforementioned it would credibly be his finis projection. "At 63 I cogitate more approximately what should be leftfield bum, what volition be the results of biography," he aforementioned.

Icon legend

Arkady Rotenberg (leftover) with Vladimir Putin practising judo

"Furthermore, I farseeing aforethought to gradually stoppage linear businesses... But the bridgework propose came on and I distinct it was selfsame significant to bear it out.

It is crucial for the commonwealth." According to the US Exchequer, Arkady Rotenberg and his chum Boris provided "reenforcement to Putin's pet projects" by receiving and execution about $7bn (ВЈ4.7bn) of contracts for the Sochi Olympic Games and collectivised vim titan Gazprom, done which their personal riches increased by $2.5bn (ВЈ1.6bn). The brothers abnegate acquiring assist from the Russian leader for their businesses.

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Vladimir Putin

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